๐Ÿ’ธHashfair NFT

"HashFair NFT: Lose the Bet, Win a Lifetime - Transforming Losses into Sustainable Earnings."

  1. Dealer Contract (DC): This is the starting point of the flow. The dealer contract is where the profits are initially held. When it's time to distribute the profits, the dealer contract sends them to the staking pool.

  2. Staking Pool (SP): The staking pool receives the profits from the dealer contract. It's responsible for calculating the shares of each stakeholder based on the number of NFTs they have staked in the pool. The more NFTs a stakeholder has staked, the larger their share of the profits.

  3. Stake Holders (SH): These are the individuals or entities that hold NFTs and have staked them in the pool. They receive their share of the profits from the staking pool based on the number of NFTs they have staked.

  4. The cycle continues as stakeholders stake more NFTs in the pool, and the staking pool recalculates the shares whenever it receives profits from the dealer contract.

This flow ensures that the profits from the dealer contract are distributed fairly among the stakeholders based on their contribution to the pool (i.e., the number of NFTs they have staked).

๐Ÿ’ชSupervisory Power

Table of NFT Ownership: Price, Multiplier and Supervisory Power.

An exciting aspect of HashFair's NFT token integration is that it also confers supervisory power to its holders. NFT owners will have a say in crucial decisions concerning the game's development, mechanics, or future updates. This model ensures that the community has a significant role in shaping the game's trajectory and fosters a deeper level of engagement between the players and the platform. The ability to influence the direction of the game transforms players from passive participants to active stakeholders in the HashFair ecosystem.

Last updated